Instructors | College Credits | Available Certifications | Lab Fees |
Dina Zimmerman and Morgan Roden |

Provide a wide-range of hair, nail, and skin care services
Experience a full-service realistic salon setting
Design a salon from concept to start up
What can I do when I graduate? | What would I do in this class? | What can I do with further training? |
Stand for long periods of time
Use hands to handle, control, or feel objects or tools
See details of objects that are less than a few feet away
See differences between colors, shades, and brightness
Read and comprehend textbooks and material used in lab
Work as part of a team
Exhibit professionalism and workplace behavior
Communicate well with customers, managers and coworkers
Work independently and in teams
Follow confidentiality guidelines used in the profession
Instructors | College Credits | Available Certifications | Lab Fees |
Dina Zimmerman and Morgan Roden |