Voice Recognition

Project Lead The Way/Engineering


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Engineer Your Future

 PLTW Engineering empowers students to step into the role of an engineer, adopt a problem-solving mindset, and make the leap from dreamers to doers.  The program's courses engage students in compelling, real-world challenges that help them become better collaborators and thinkers. Students take from the courses in-demand knowledge and skills they will use in high school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take.

Build A Strong Foundation

  • Learn the engineering design process, apply math, science and engineering standards to hands-on projects.
  • Explore engineering topics including mechanisms, strength of structure, materials and automation.
  • Discover important aspects of building, site design and development.
  • Review manufacturing processes, product design, robotics and automation and apply skills to design solutions for real-world manufacturing problems. 

To be successful in this field, students must be able to:

  • Have a strong math and science foundation 
  • Have a desire for problem-solving
  • Work effectively with a team 


InstructorsCollege CreditsAvailable CertificationsLab Fees
Tim Vandeborne
  • CPR First Aid
  • OSHA 10
  • FANUC- Handling Tool Operation & Programming
  • AutoDesk Inventor
  • CAM-F and Certified Drafter Mechanical
  • Six Sigma Yellow Belt I

Student Testimonial


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