Voice Recognition

Exercise Science & Sports Medicine


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  • Explore a wide range of sports medicine and fitness careers through practical lab experiences and high-level academic coursework
  • Develop the skills necessary to become an athletic trainer or a physical/occupational therapist
  • Work with professionals to gain experience in exercise/sports science and physical/occupational therapy


What can I do when I graduate?
Fitness center worker
Health spa worker
Sporting facility worker
Physical therapy aide
Long-term care facility worker
What would I do in this class?
First Aid and emergency procedures
Sports-specific training
Fitness training and coaching
Nutrition and weight management
Sports psychology
Personal fitness
Injury prevention
Exercise physiology
What can I do with further training?
Athletic trainer
Physical Therapist/Assistant
Occupational Therapist
Strength conditioning coach
Exercise science researcher
Exercise Physiologist
Sports Physiologist

Program Quick Facts

 College Credits
Available Certifications
Lab Fees
Jamey Harlan University of Akron
Kent State University
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • CPR ARC Heartsaver
  • BLS CPR/First Aid
  • EKG Technician
  • OSHA 10 
Level 1 - $57.00
Level 2 - $48.00
(optional testing fees for ACSM Grp Trainer Certification $279)
(optional testing fees for ACSM Personal Trainer Certification $279)
Exercise Science Level 1 & 2 Uniform Info

Job Outlook

Student Testimonial


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